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Exercise 1.2e - Application Activity: Rewriting for Varied Structures

Objective: To apply the knowledge of sentence structures in rewriting a paragraph.

  1. Paragraph Selection:
    • Provide students with a short, simple paragraph, or ask them to write one themselves. The paragraph should ideally consist of simple sentences.

  2. Rewriting Task:
    • Instruct students to rewrite the paragraph, transforming each sentence into a different structure. They should aim to use a mix of compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences.
    • Encourage them to maintain the original meaning while enhancing the paragraph's depth and interest through varied structures.

  3. Comparison and Analysis:
    • After rewriting, students compare the original and revised paragraphs.
    • Discuss as a class how the changes in sentence structure affected the tone, clarity, and overall impact of the paragraph.

  4. Reflection:
    • Students reflect on the process and how they might use these techniques in their future writing.

  5. Prompt:
    • Original Paragraph:
      • The garden was peaceful. Birds chirped in the trees. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves. Sunlight filtered through the branches. It was a perfect day to relax outdoors.

    • Instructions for Rewriting Task:
      • Students will transform each sentence in this paragraph into a different structure, aiming to use a mix of compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. The goal is to maintain the original meaning while enhancing the depth and interest of the paragraph through varied sentence structures.
