
Comparta y comente sobre el mejor contenido y las mejores ideas de marketing. Construya su perfil profesional y conviértase en un mejor mercadólogo.


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Activity 1.3a: Lexis Discovery and Creation

To enhance students' understanding and usage of various lexical items in context by creating sentences or short paragraphs.

Materials Needed:

  • Sets of word cards or lists, each containing a mix of lexical items (topic-related words, collocations, idioms, etc.).
  • Writing materials (paper, pens) or digital devices for composing sentences and paragraphs.

Activity Structure:

  1. Group Formation:
    • Divide the class into small groups, each consisting of 3-4 students.

  2. Distribution of Word Sets:
    • Provide each group with a set of word cards or lists. Ensure that each set includes a variety of lexical items, such as:
      • Topic-Related Words (e.g., "environment": pollution, ecosystem, renewable)
      • Collocations (e.g., "bitterly cold," "heavily influenced")
      • Idioms (e.g., "hit the books," "break the ice")
      • Formal/Informal Words (e.g., Formal: "terminate," Informal: "end")
      • Word Transformations (e.g., "happy" to "happiness")

  3. Task Execution:
    • Groups use the words from their sets to create meaningful sentences or short paragraphs. Encourage them to use as many lexical items as possible and to be creative.
    • For example, using the word "environment," a group might write: "In our biology class, we learned how pollution adversely affects the ecosystem. Our teacher emphasized the importance of renewable energy sources to protect our planet."
    • Another Example for Task Execution: Suppose a group receives a set of words and phrases including a collocation ("break new ground"), an idiom ("once in a blue moon"), formal language ("ascertain"), informal language ("figure out"), and a word transformation (from "joy" to "joyful").
    • The group might create a short narrative paragraph like this:

      "Our research team aimed to break new ground in renewable energy technology. It's an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon, and everyone was eager to contribute. While the senior scientists tried to ascertain the feasibility of the project, the younger members were busy trying to figure out innovative solutions. The atmosphere was joyful, filled with the excitement of potential discovery."

      In this example, the group has successfully incorporated the given lexical items into a cohesive and contextually appropriate paragraph. The formal and informal terms are used in a way that reflects their typical usage, the idiom and collocation add flavor to the narrative, and the word transformation ("joyful") is correctly applied.

  4. Sharing and Discussion:
    • Each group shares their sentences or paragraphs with the class.
    • Facilitate a discussion on the usage of the lexical items, focusing on how effectively they were used in context.

  5. Feedback:
    • Peers Provide feedback on their creations, highlighting effective usage, creativity, and any areas for improvement.


  • Students practice applying a range of lexical items in context, enhancing their understanding of how different words and phrases are used in English.
  • The activity fosters creativity and collaboration, encouraging students to think critically about word usage and how different lexical items can be combined to convey clear and engaging messages.

Extension Ideas:

  • For advanced students, include a challenge to create a cohesive short story or a dialogue using the lexical items, which requires more complex integration of the words.
  • Encourage students to identify the types of lexical items used in their peers' work during the sharing session, fostering peer learning.

Conclusion: This activity not only reinforces the understanding of various types of lexical items but also encourages students to apply this knowledge creatively. By working in groups, students benefit from collaborative learning, sharing ideas, and strategies for effective word usage. This hands-on approach to learning lexis makes the abstract concept of vocabulary grouping more tangible and engaging.

Vocabulary Lists for Activity

Group 1: Technology

  • Topic-Related Words: innovation, software, algorithm, cybersecurity, virtual
  • Collocations: cutting-edge technology, user-friendly interface
  • Idioms: reinvent the wheel, on the same wavelength
  • Formal/Informal: commence (formal) / kick off (informal), inquire (formal) / ask around (informal)
  • Word Transformation: compute (verb) / computation (noun)

Group 2: Environment

  • Topic-Related Words: sustainability, climate, ecosystem, renewable, biodiversity
  • Collocations: carbon footprint, renewable resources
  • Idioms: go green, the tip of the iceberg
  • Formal/Informal: terminate (formal) / end (informal), investigate (formal) / look into (informal)
  • Word Transformation: pollute (verb) / pollution (noun)

Group 3: Health and Wellness

  • Topic-Related Words: nutrition, fitness, meditation, hydration, wellness
  • Collocations: mental health, balanced diet
  • Idioms: in the pink of health, a bitter pill to swallow
  • Formal/Informal: consume (formal) / eat up (informal), recuperate (formal) / get better (informal)
  • Word Transformation: nourish (verb) / nourishment (noun)

Group 4: Education

  • Topic-Related Words: curriculum, pedagogy, literacy, scholarship, academic
  • Collocations: higher education, critical thinking
  • Idioms: hit the books, learn the ropes
  • Formal/Informal: ascertain (formal) / figure out (informal), educate (formal) / teach (informal)
  • Word Transformation: educate (verb) / education (noun)

Group 5: Travel and Culture

  • Topic-Related Words: destination, heritage, cuisine, landmark, itinerary
  • Collocations: cultural diversity, tourist attraction
  • Idioms: off the beaten path, catch the travel bug
  • Formal/Informal: embark (formal) / set off (informal), peruse (formal) / check out (informal)
  • Word Transformation: explore (verb) / exploration (noun)

Each group receives one of these lists. The lists are designed to cover a range of lexical items, encouraging students to think creatively about how to use these words in sentences or short paragraphs. The variety in each list ensures that students are exposed to different aspects of lexis, from specific terminology to idiomatic expressions and variations in formality.

Author Best Answer

Here is a short example to give you an idea of what to write.

Student Presentation:

"Our group focused on the theme of 'Travel and Culture.' We created a short story about a journey through Italy. In our story, we used the idiom 'off the beaten path' to describe a traveler's preference for less touristy locations. We also included collocations like 'cultural diversity' and 'tourist attraction.' For formal and informal language, we contrasted 'embark on a journey' (formal) with 'kick off the trip' (informal). Additionally, we transformed the word 'explore' into 'exploration' to fit different parts of the story."


Teacher's Feedback:
"Thank you for that engaging presentation! Your use of 'off the beaten path' perfectly captured the traveler's adventurous spirit. The collocations 'cultural diversity' and 'tourist attraction' were aptly used, adding depth to your narrative. However, while 'embark on a journey' and 'kick off the trip' are good examples of formal and informal language, be cautious about overusing formal phrases in a casual story setting, as it might disrupt the narrative flow. The transformation of 'explore' into 'exploration' was seamlessly done and showed a good understanding of word forms. Overall, great job in integrating various lexical items into your story!"